Bro Steve and I shot half a dozen squirrels on a warm autumn day. Threw them in the bed of the yellow Ford pickup and drove around all day. Got home and started to gut them. Cooking all day, needless to say, they were quite ripe and caused immediate and painful retching on disembowelment. Now get queasy at viewing Mr Bushytail. I leave them alone, they beady eye me with evil intent. Good times.
Bro Steve and I shot half a dozen squirrels on a warm autumn day. Threw them in the bed of the yellow Ford pickup and drove around all day. Got home and started to gut them. Cooking all day, needless to say, they were quite ripe and caused immediate and painful retching on disembowelment. Now get queasy at viewing Mr Bushytail. I leave them alone, they beady eye me with evil intent. Good times.