Friday, January 7, 2011

Jan 7

The Day After Epiphany
Two Days After Twelfth Night
What if things were easier than you thought?
Pay attention!
I resolve to ______________________.

Twelfth Night marks the end of Christmas or winter carnival beginning on Halloween. It was considered in poor taste or unlucky to leave the Christmas wreaths hanging on display after Epiphany.

When living in Vermont and driving somewhere, I would use a pointer finger combined with a verbal gun noise, and shoot wreaths still hanging on houses or barns. It wasn't a drive just to shoot wreaths, but a drive to work or to the grocery store. It rose to the level of compulsion, like washing hands obsessively or avoiding stepping on sidewalk cracks.

All that has (mostly) passed, and you can be sure that there are no Christmas wreaths remaining on the doors or walls of this place.

This is a Valentine's Wreath.

1 comment:

  1. I am covetous of those who have experienced an epiphany. Charles Darwin was said to have "a flash of holistic understanding in a prepared mind" on the HMS Beagle. Perhaps the key is to get my mind right. Eureka! Perhaps fancying myself a potential Einstein or Archimedes is a bit fatuous. Happy Valentine's Day.
