That's what one yoga teacher was leading on the morning of New Year's Day. It seemed like a good idea. After just 5 sun salutations the sweat poured off my forehead, burning my eyes like sun gazing might do, if I'd ever done that.
One week into the new year and there are 28 sun salutations completed so far. Eighty more to go. Could be February by the time it's finished. But the results so far include an increase in minutes of daylight, strengthening of the shoulder girdle, an effort to keep the carpet vacuumed at the site of the asana, and an appreciation for someone even thinking they could do 108 repetitions at one time.
The Sun God chants, "Rah, Rah, Rah!"
108 is nine dozen.
ReplyDeleteThe interior angles of a pentagon are 108 degrees each.
8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16 = 108.
Hindu deities have 108 names.
Zen priest wear juzu (wrist band) with 108 beads.
Many Chinese Buddhist temples have 108 steps.
Mantras are repeated 108 times.
To finish the old year and welcome the new, in Japan a bell is rung 108 times, each ring representing one of the earthly temptations one must overcome to achieve nirvana.
108 suitors coveted Penelope, wife of Odysseus.
The diameter of the sun is 108 times the diameter of the earth.
There are 108 cards in an UNO deck.
There are 108 stitches in a baseball.
Holy Root Hog!
ReplyDeleteThis has become your best comment so far! (I admit to adding up the series of numbers to double check.)