Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan 10

I played Hungarian and a Sonatina by Clementi. It's funny how the hands fight each other for dominance on the keys, the right stumbling over the fingering and the left ponderous in the bass range. My favorite are the trills. Like patting your stomach with your left hand and rubbing your head with your right.

1 comment:

  1. The right hand path adheres to social convention and avoids taboo.
    The left hand path rejects the status quo and embraces taboo.
    Both paths may be followed, as they seek the same goal and end in the same place.
    White Magic/Black Magic. Different ways of working, neither right nor wrong.
    The right hand and the left hand, though doing different things, serve the same master.
    I have always rubbed my stomach with my left and patted my head with my right.
    Vive la difference!
