Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lessons Repeat Themselves

Lesson One:
Loosen your grip.

This applies to Golf, Suturing, Aviation, Expectations, Business, Crossstitching, Friendship, Shoveling Snow, Driving, Family, Friendship Bracelets, Weight Loss, Writing In Cursive, Skiing...

The dew point has a tight grip on the temperature today. (And) Hence, dense fog.


  1. Lesson Two:
    "Keep a tight a**hole when you hit the beach."
    Passed on to me regarding WWII by my father...

  2. Lesson Three:
    Don't assume...
    When I passed on Lesson Two to my son, he wondered if I was talking about a gay beach...filthy kids!!! So to be clear, Lesson Two refers to Normandy Beach or Omaha Beach or any of the many Pacific beaches...or any other task that needs assaulting...
