Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rabbit Rabbit

Happy May Day!
May is the month for flowers. The Full Flower Moon is on the 17th.  The novel is completed, the fourth thus far.  Number three is the best, though nothing is submitted for publication. (Yet.) 
This is weigh-in day.  Last week our task was to prepare 5 new meals that we had not tried before. The raw route is nearly the last unfamiliar menu to me.  Well, besides the chocolate bugs, or other foreign protein like ostrich, birds' nests, or bushrats.  So I went raw for a couple days.
Lime in the Coconut Smoothie

Raw Manicotti
(Zucchini noodles, spinach-sunflower seed filling, tomato sauce)
I miss chips, cheese, candy and martinis, but mostly chips.  My joints don't feel much better.  And I lost weight, Duh.

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