Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nov 12

The mornings are worst for coughing and sneezing.
This little gadget is supposed to help me more than anything.  It is Jim's incentive spirometer to aid in opening the small airways that tend to collapse when one is protecting their ribcage by taking only shallow breaths.  That may be true, but I've found the best help is taking a standing position, bent over a pillow to the abdomen, hand supporting the left back to cough with a noise resembling a snorting elk.
This morning the cough came during our morning walk in the driveway.  The pretty rocks in the driveway distracted me for a short time while bent over.  And to distract myself more from the disgusting anemic coughing elk, I have added one item on the to-do list today.
I will look up the best way to prune a burning bush gone wild.  It is an innocent bystander that resembles the branching airways in the lung.

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