Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nov 6

Daylight Saving Time
Fall back.  One year, as a third year medical resident, I was scheduled to be on call at the University Hospital in Seattle. Usually a third year resident supervised four interns who did all the work of admitting patients, writing orders, taking first calls.  This particular call night was the weekend of Halloween, on the night that time shifted, during the same weekend that all the interns took off to study for their board exams.
  On that night I covered four teams, the Red, Blue, Green, and White, that is, two general medical wards, oncology and the bone marrow transplant patients, and the cardiology admissions.  It could have been disastrous carrying 5 pagers.  But as memory serves, only 5 or 6 patients were admitted, no one crumped during the night, and I got an extra hour of sleep.  I even brought my sewing that night, a flowered navy and white dress that needed hemming.
  Now that's confidence in the future.  Those were my thoughts as I changed all the clocks this morning.  At 2 AM.

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