Thursday, November 17, 2011

Peter's BDay

Those born on this day are frugal, resourceful, meticulous planners and able to concentrate entirely on one spot.  And when they are done focusing, they move on with no attachment.  How does he do that?
It was the on/off switch that woke me today.  The binary system and the rheostat.  Duality and the shades of gray.  The drop of water and the ocean.  The manifested and the matrix.  The computer and the idea of the computer.
Some live in the binary, dual place of "it either is or it isn't."
Some live in the shadows surrounding is and isn't, like the rheostat.
And a few live everywhere.  I like the idea of living everywhere.


  1. Flip Side
    He's a real nowhere man
    Sitting in his nowhere land
    Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

    Doesn't have a point of view
    knows not where he's going to
    Isn't he a bit like you and me?

  2. The new agers would say nowhere is now here. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Those new agers are a funny lot!

  3. Oh? Are they funny like clowns? They amuse you? They make you laugh? They're here to ****ing amuse you? What do you mean funny? Funny how?
    -New age Joe Pesci
