Friday, January 6, 2012


Looks like yesterday would have been the day to ice skate.  Almost a perfect glassy surface.
Today the snow surprised us at daybreak, just a dusting to an inch predicted.
But it is enough to hide the cracks and divots in the ice beneath.
Last night I thought of the Path of Fire and Light, today the thoughts are of sitting in front of the Lighted Fire.  Today is a celebration of the Day of the Light, the lightbulb, the Magi, the manifestation of spirit in physical form, the sudden realization after hard labor; The Epiphany.  The chemical structure of the benzene ring was said to be a fireside epiphany to the scientist, Kekule, in the form of the Worm Ouroboros, a snake swallowing its own tail.  My fireside reveries will probably be romance novels and Dr. Zhivago in winter.

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