Sunday, January 22, 2012

More than a squall

What a surprise!
Today is a scheduled birthday party in Broadwater for an 80 year old.  She has invited the town to her party.  We had planned to drive up and have tea and mints,
but with this weather bordering on freezing to the roads,
winds in the 50 mph range,
and visibility of less than a mile, it looks dicey.
This is where the ability to control the elements comes in handy.  What was that sutra on how to cocntrol the elements? Rupa lavanya bala vajrasamhanana kaya sampat.  No, that's a description of what it is to have a perfect body; beauty, gracefulness, strength and adamantine hardness.  I'll stick with a perfect body and let the elements play out as they will.  Maybe there will be a pause in the winds, like a parting of the Red Sea, long enough to drive to Broadwater and back with our perfect bodies. Meanwhile, parked here in the McDonald's parking lot, the car is rocking in the wind and I'm getting seasick.


  1. Of course it is more than a squall. Those only happen on the east coast. Out here our storms, like our people, are slow and deliberate. Not like an impetuous and flighty here-and-gone skval.

  2. I love that word skval. Is that Scottish? Or just a Scot drinking Scotch trying to pronounce squall? Really? Sloshed at 6:20 AM?

  3. It is Norse meaning "sudden rush of water", the origin of of the nautical term squall, as opposed to Old Norse skvala, which means SHRIEK!!!! So it is a Norseman keeping in touch with his other roots. And as sloshed is a combination of slop and slush, that appears to be what you are there in the lovely Panhandle.
