Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Digs

Of the 41 possible New Year's resolutions that I listed, only 5 seemed lofty.  The remainder is housekeeping.
The first is; Make the air sweeter around you.
See, if this is practiced with sweeter words, kinder actions, and more positive thoughts, not only does it benefit me, it also makes things better for others.  And the sweet air doesn't stop in New England.  It circulates all around the planet.  This reminded me of a little book (copyright 1989) that I recently dug out and read again.
Measurable, not airy-fairy.  And the first in this book is "Stop Junk Mail".  Sweet!
Back then, the address to opt out of junk mail was to Direct Marketing Association at a NY PO Box.
A 2007 article from MSNBC showed several websites to opt out, depending on the type of junk mail received.


These days I send back the junk in the prepaid envelopes, writing on the front GO AWAY, or something to that effect.  Not very sweet.  But I have a year to practice.  Goob Luck!

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