Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Year of Dragon

Yesterday was Chinese New Year!  Sorry not to wish you well in a dragonesque year.  Consider it wished.  Two hundred thirty-six miles later, we accomplished much of the adventure we set out upon.
Good scenery to get to books,
martinis, visitation and supper.  

Brian and I went on a walk to see Doc the Horse.  Doc expected carrots and got a camera instead.  This could just as well represent the snout of the dragon in honor of the New Year.
Mary made the requested turkey with added bonus special of chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.  Today there is another skval rolling through with blowing snow and low viz.  Nothing planned for the day except doing taxes, having a late luncheon with Dave, weighing in this afternoon, and making a vegetable tart for supper.  The recipe calls for eggplant, but there is none to be found in western Nebraska.  Butternut squash will have to do.

1 comment:

  1. To behold a 5th year of the dragon and a 15th leap year is, on the one hand, cause for celebration and, on the other hand, not...sigh...
