Friday, January 13, 2012

Freezing Rain

The skis are heading out this morning on their maiden voyage of the season before the rain begins.  We received about 5 inches of snow, drifting to a foot in places.  And today freezing rain will fall.
 I am aiming for the Sabbady Point (short for Sabbath Day), fifteen minutes away by cross country ski.  There is open water off the point where the gulls like to hang out.  Looks like nobody picked up the water buoys at the end of the season.
Another weather alert for today gives driving a hazardous mark due to the rain that is just beginning.
Home is in sight with its warm fires burning, nicely plowed-by-the-hired-man drive , and clean shoveled walkways.  The ski was a success.  I am practicing for the February ski trip.  The sleeping bag is ready to be packed, and the airplane ticket is in the travel billfold.

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