Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aug 14

In the beginning the railroad station in Crawford Notch wasn't very busy.  It was early on a Saturday morning.  The New Yorkers were sleeping off their rum and cokes and Blue Hawaiis.
The trailhead crossed active railroad tracks and began its climb up over rocks and more rocks.
 Between the trailhead and Mt. Field, the summit of Mt. Avalon boasted the best views of the day.
Continuing for another mile or so, the partially restricted view from the summit of Mt. Field, 4340', revealed the Mt. Washington Hotel in the valley below.
From Mt. Field, the trail descended to a col on the way to Mt. Tom (hee hee)
Mt. Field is on the left as seen from the false summit of Mt. Tom, 4,051'.
It was a good 7 mile hike.  The day was hotter than predicted.  The car traffic on the way home jammed up everywhere; Naples causeway, HW 302, Jordan Bay turnoff.  Glad to be home finally.

1 comment:

  1. False summit? Not many have, or will, reach the true summit of Mt. Tom (hee-hee).
