Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Aug 3

Recently Moey sent an email listing nice places to retire.  Maine, it said, had 4 seasons; near winter, winter, still winter, and construction.
Yesterday I drove to Portland in the season of construction.  Many detours showed up, paving projects, flagmen and flagwomen, long single lines of cars.  Lucky the smartphone has a GPS map and kept me going in the right direction.

The team leader at the Weight Watchers meeting in Portland was a skinny old woman wearing a patchwork quilt vest who demonstrated her "snack bag".  She kept pulling food out of the bag including 1 cup of cheerios, a fiber bar, 75% fat free cheese, a banana.  She was like a clown pulling scarves out of her sleeves.  When we thought she was finished, she found 2 cans of tuna at the bottom of the bag!

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