Friday, August 19, 2011

Hiking God

 Above tree line in the East
It is easy to see why the phrase "a commanding view" might apply to the Presidential Range in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  It was my good fortune to hike yesterday with Peter, the hiking god with frog's feet.
This is not the first time these five-fingered vibrams have appeared on a hike.
The first sighting was a source of great amusement.  They were used as camp and river-crossing shoes on the recently past Colorado trip.  Amusing enough to make one look up the nearest store that stocks them (Red's Shoe Barn).  It was a sign to buy with the appearance of the second pair.
Peter talked us into hiking an extra 2 miles to get to Mt. Franklin at over 5000 feet.  In the middle background is Mt. Eisenhower that we tackled next.  It was a little downhill then a little uphill.  Peter had been sick with a cold and was slower than usual, but it was like running for me, two steps to his one.
Today I am driving through the Hartford corridor for a seminar in Pennsylvania.  No hiking for a few days.

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