Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aug 27

Three hours of climbing, two hours of descending, and one hour of walking along a ridge.  Conditions: humid, foggy in the morning and beautiful sun in the afternoon.
Summit of Mt. Pierce, 4340'
The ridge to Mt. Jackson, 4052' 
The view from summit of Mt. Jackson including from left to right, Mt. Pierce, Mt. Eisenhower, and Mt. Washington.
From last week, right to left, Mt Tom (hee hee), Mt Field, and Mt. Willey as viewed from Mt. Jackson summit
Now we wait for the storm to come.  If it's as predicted, the brunt of the wind will come from our right, the ESE, as we look out on the lake.  The forecasted rainfall is 2-5 inches Sunday night.  With all this focus on the weather, I'm glad we don't have a big screen television to enlarge the anxiety.  And we're certainly grateful for our new roof.  Good luck to coastal areas in the conehead of uncertainty.


  1. Ridges are bad. Just back from 3 days above 12,000' hiking a ridge. No water on ridges. Lightning strikes ridges. Hail pummels ridges. Cold wind howls into the marrow on ridges. Hiking companion incessantly whines "I miss Julie. Julie would get us water. Julie would start a fire. Julie would blah, blah, blah...". Ridges not good for relationships. Stick to the valleys. The view isn't as good, but the livin's easy. Except for the flash floods.

  2. Julie would be glad you're back.
