Sunday, August 28, 2011

Aug 28

A rainy day is for sorting and planning the next adventure.
An old friend came home yesterday.  I scrambled home to go to the dump, gather water, pick up the mail, and collect all the separate items that can blow away with the predicted wind.  The empty gas can gets put away, the concrete flamingoes stay. 
At the doorway a package waits on the porch.  It's been sitting for a couple days, judging by the collapsed corner and damp cardboard box.  It's from my brother!  Printed with black marker in his familiar neat hand.
During the planning of the hike for next week, a debate between hut vs tent came up.  And voila! a tent appears.  Not just any tent.  My friend!
It's the one that ripped during the last Colorado hike when I vigorously zipped open the door to escape.  Well, there was urgency to it.  My friend, the shelter and security in a dark night. 
It was surprising to find that it weighs more than the little black Walrus tent.  But only by 9 oz.  And it is my friend, dependable, familiar, comfortable, roomy, with a dry wit.
It's been raining lightly most of the night.  The wind is beginning to pick up from the east.  When it shifts to the southeast, we will be in the lee.  Until then, coffee and more planning.

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