Friday, February 24, 2012

All This Holding On

YS 3.50: Tad vairagyad api dosha bija kshaye kaivalyam.
By nonattachment even to all the powers of the mind and world, the seed of bondage is destroyed and thus follows independence.
Not that the "powers" are bad.  Just that holding on to them will entrap, tie up, bind, and enslave.
So, let go.
You let go.
No, you first.


  1. Nietzsche Day
    The more you let yourself go, the less others let you go.
    Be careful in casting out the demon that you are not ridding yourself of your best part.
    Become who you are.
    Woman was God's second mistake.

  2. What do you call a man with half a brain?

  3. I would call heshe a woman, of course.
    More Nietzsche
    “Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.”
    “If a woman seeks education it is probably because her sexual apparatus is malfunctioning”
    It appears Friedrich had some issues, eh?
