Monday, February 13, 2012


 Part One: Final Winter Hut Trip
Driving into the mountains and skiing into the mountains with packs are not much different.
 HA!  What an embellishment!  But there is now a new picture to replace the pulk picture on the screensaver from two years ago.
On the way up to the hut, we met three skiers and a dog recording their powder skiing moves.  I wish we could see the dashing-through-the-snow video from the webcam on her back.
We reached the hut before sunset and after 5 hours of skiing uphill.  We explored the surroundings, tracked over everything, and started a smokey fire for the duration of our stay.  We prepared a dinner of high altitude salt, smoke and spice, accompanied by tortillas, gumbo and more salt.  Two of us slept the sleep of near 10,000 feet, that is, not much.  The third purred like a generator all night long...

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