Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Feed a cold, Feed a fever

"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." -Wimpy
Musing again on weight loss and why it takes me so long to lose even a pound. Or to repair a broken deck. Or to go to Nepal.
Driving over the high bridge on the way to the bus station in Portsmouth, I snapped a photo of the middle bridge and the little bridge, now under repair. Jim marvels about the red Manitowoc crane used in the operation. He has bookmarked the webcam site that shows boat activity in the Piscataqua River between Maine and New Hampshire and the ongoing repair of the little bridge.
I marvel at what differing interests people have, mine of the food kingdom, maintenance, and walking outdoors, Jim of bridges, heavy equipment, boats and airplanes.


  1. One's interest is in self, the others in not self. Learn from and, now and then, emulate the extrovert, grasshopper...

  2. Only if the extrovert is in the food or mountain walking kingdoms. Sir.
