Friday, April 6, 2012

Hiking the Hancocks

Had to wake up early yesterday for the hike in the White Mountain National Forest.
The temperatures were below freezing, the trail covered with pitted snow and ice.
It was slow going at first because of putting on and taking off the light boot traction.
The six brook crossings were easy since the water was low.
Snow fell in flurries off and on all day in the blustery winds, worst at the South loop, where an inch or two covered up the icy walkway. The trail guide describes the ascent of South Hancock as unrelievedly steep.
'Tis true. I was glad there were all those trees, useful to pull myself up the hill and to rest against gravity.
The camera that was set up on a rock for a self portrait on S. Hancock did not include my feet, and rather than rearrange anything (it was coooold!), I just lifted one foot to show off the microspikes.
On the ridge between the peaks, the snow started to get soft and the microspikes were less effective.
At the north peak, I had a look at the Osceolas from an outlook, while enjoying hot cocoa and lots of snacks.
It was 22 degrees here with a wind gusting about 30 mph.
No tumbles this time, and no frozen digits. The difference in this hike and the last one was a new mantra. This time I chanted silently to myself, "Relax, bend your knees, enjoy the day." It worked!

1 comment:

  1. Here in snow country I have yet to use my microspikes. 75 degrees here yesterday with flowering fruit trees. No mantra here, other than "stay upright".
