Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Hiking

Carter Dome, 4,832 feet
There is evidence of Hurricane Irene's influence last year with some water crossings showing foot bridges in disarray.
I don't recall seeing any dams in these mountain rivers before this one. Maybe miners were here.
I think about the ingenuity of those mountaineers of the past and see modern evidence of form and beauty in the log stairs on the way up.
Carter Dome is a rocky shrub-snow-and-mud-covered mountain with an icy path, undercut by water running underneath the snow. Not much to look at from the top.
On the climb, the mountains across Pinkham Notch were much more becoming with their streaks of snow from a distance.
Hikers, the few that I see, are wearing tee shirts and shorts. I am overdressed in insulated ski pants, a poly turtleneck, wool socks and fleece mittens. And sweating as a result.
By the end of the 10 mile hike I have emptied the 2 L water bladder, a thermos of chocolate and half a liter of gatorade. During the hike, there was only one fall when the snow path gave way and threw me into some shrubs. Luckily I was wearing padding.

1 comment:

  1. You see form and beauty in the log stairs.
    I see a guy with a chain saw looking for a reason, any reason, to use his saw. I speak as a new chain saw user looking for wood that needs cutting.
