Friday, April 13, 2012

Warm, but Creepy like Facebook

The furnace is working again, no thanks to our licensed furnace repairman. Jim found the fan replacement part, going first to the distributor in Mass., then to the wholesaler in Portsmouth, and finally to the retailer in Rochester. The furnace is quieter than it has been in years. And the house is warm.
Yesterday while Jim was repairing the furnace, I weighed in at the proper maintenance weight. At the meeting I sat behind a woman with a little hair tag coming out of the side of her head. Because I am writing about magic and time travel, I wondered what would happen if someone pulled that long strand of bleached hair. Would a disc of skull come off revealing her brain? Would the lights turn on? Would she get an idea as if a light had switched on? Would the portal to another dimension open?
What's creepier?
That hair tag or secretly taking a picture of it?
That's a toss up in my book.


  1. Jim is a man's man...
    The hair tag may be a Stepford Wife electronic receiver...

  2. My vote goes to 'secretely taking a picture of it' dudette.
