Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Unique Adventure

But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
Without a tighter breathing,
And zero at the bone."
- Emily Dickinson

Daisy had finished her nighttime romp outdoors and was enjoying her cookie before bedtime. She had fallen to the floor in her enthusiasm. When I reached down to put her back on her feet, I spotted something coiled next to the cupboards.This is something I can happily say has never happened to me. Until now.
Are you kidding me?? It uncoiled and started toward the center of the house. I grabbed my camera. Snap. Then I grabbed a towel to guide the thing to the door. It crawled into a crack between the wall and the cupboards.
Now I know how those people on PBS felt when they opened the closet to a black mamba. This may put an end to prowling at night with the lights off.

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