Friday, August 17, 2012

Twists in the Trail

Soft underfoot, resilient, quiet as a shadow, we make our way through the woods on a mossy trail.
It makes me think of food, of course; the green chard and pepper juice of a couple nights ago.
Some people follow a rule avoiding all green food. That's a lot of avoiding, I think, as I look out at the woods behind the house, full of leafy greens. Those people say that Euell Gibbons died young even with all his natural foraging. His book, "Stalking the Wild Asparagus", was published 50 years ago. Same year as Jim's high school graduation.
There. The topics of walking, green juice, Euell Gibbons and class reunions all in one entry. It's a miracle.
By the way, Euell Gibbons died from complications of Marfan's Syndrome, a genetic disorder.
Next up, vampires and porphyria. That'll go nicely with the beet juice smoothie.

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