Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Galehead, Number 47

Uh oh. Leaves turning in the mountains.
The Appalacian Trail is its usual ankle-turning rocky green tunnel.
Lifting mine eyes unto the hills.

Galehead Mountain from the hut porch.
A look back at the Hut.
And the summit reached under three hours.
Then there was one.
The last peak over 4000 to climb in the NH White Mountains is Mt. Carrigain. I am waiting for the gate to open so I can drive in to the trailhead. That knocks off 4 miles of a 14 mile walk. The road was being repaired after tropical storm Irene last year and still has not opened. Rumor has it that it will open sometime in September.


  1. Once Carrigain, then what? You've got 56 more 14'ers to go...

  2. Care to join me for Grays and Torreys Peaks in September? I need a four wheel drive to get to the trailhead.
