The scenery is beautiful, and the pictures are pleasing, but the walk...
Monstrous! Why do people do this? Why do I persist? I hope the next time driving by The Cock of the Walk I am just driving, not planning a hike.
Then up another 3 miles to Kinsman Pond where the coffee was instant in the XMug, the lightning was close enough to smell ozone, the tent leaked like a sieve, and the rocky trail beat my feet into mushy bruises and blisters.
And it's probably a bad thing when the trail guides talk about steps built into the rock. Even though it's ingenious, it only means THE TRAIL IS TOO STEEP TO SCRAMBLE.
After the night of rain, the return trip had rivers in the trail cascading down the stairs. At least the new boots have a good grip on rock, unlike the old ones. Small recompense for a first solo overnight trip. Ick. It's time for breakfast and a foot bath. Happy Trails.
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