Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 14

Whenever Daisy has to go outside, the bathroom rugs get wadded into messy nests on the floor. It was not too heavy of a sleeping night even though the cool temperatures overnight invited deep dreaming.

Sleep is one of the 5 modifications of the mind, according to Patanjali. The other 4 are right knowledge, imagination, memory, and false perception; Pramana viparyaya vikalpa nidra smirtayah. Yoga Sutra 1.6.

To sleep perchance to dream: Did Shakespeare know that Daisy would wake me from a dream so vast that it would be uninterpretable? It was whispered down the ages on stone steps made of turquoise, the migration of peoples across the Bering Strait to the south, where color is defined by the sea and by the sun rising and setting.

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