Breakfast at the airport today. My husband wakes me with 10 minutes to spare. There is no Breakfast Blend coffee in the pantry. Water on the hair to smooth it down, wash face perfunctorily, brush teeth absent mindedly. Arrive at airport half an hour later. See the Banderante on the ground at the airport. It flies over the camp every weekday morning between 7:30 and 7:45 AM.

The airport cafe provides biscuits and gravy, hash and eggs, and old pilots' camaraderie. The server shows off her tattoo.

This serves to remind me it's a bit on the windy side today. The air is supposed to get hot and more humid.
A great lethargy has overtaken me lately. Wouldn't it be just as easy to write and believe that a great excitement has overtaken me? Yes, well...
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