Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Apr 20

It is whispered in the ancient words that once the ice is freed from the shore, it sinks in the dark of night while no one is watching.  And so it did.

Lucky, Lucky, Lucky, that I wore my high water pants today.  Inspection of the shore shows that some of the work from last autumn will need to be redone.

But right now there is thunder and it has begun to rain. The loons are calling.  Perfect timing.

1 comment:

  1. Who are the loons calling?
    To the Abenaki Nation, M-da-weelh-ak is a loon spirit in the form of a dog, so perhaps they call to Daisy.
    The loon is also known as the shaman's helper, bridging the air world and the underwater world. Perhaps they call to you to enter the underwater domain...come closer with those high water pants...closer...lap...lap...lap...
