Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

 It is a blue lake today in honor of Earth Day,

and a far cry from just a month ago. 

Moss covers the rocks and ground and makes for soft running. 

The novel has reached a familiar place in week three; trash it or push it forward.  The novelist took three days off and now is making up for lost time writing 40 minutes on and 20 minutes off until the hair pulling starts.  Today the litter and pulled hair will be picked up along the walking paths behind the lake house during one of the writing breaks.  It'll take almost 15 minutes since few ever go back there to litter in the first place.  In honor of Gaia, the Sweet One.

1 comment:

  1. Among broad-breasted Gaia's many consorts was Uranus, her son by parthenogenesis. And among her many children with Uranus was Kronos, first of the Titans who hated the lusty Uranus and castrated him as he went to lay with Gaia. By one count, Gaia had 36 children with 7 different mates and 8 offspring "without the sweet union of love" (parthenogneis/self-budding). Sounds like she was sweet on everyone. Her current whereabouts and shenanigans are unknown.
