Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Wave of Beauty, Wave of Bliss

The Peepers have returned!
Last night Daisy and I were walking out in the tree nursery.  Both of us were so excited to hear the peepers that I took a bad phone video of them and Daisy ran straight to the middle of a raspberry bramble patch.  Ouch, ouch!
Last year the wave of peepers sounded on April 2.
Last year the word count at Peeper Time was over 2,000.  This year the count is beyond 18,000.
During presentations in Medicine training we were taught brevity, being succinct, summarizing with as few words as possible.  While the peepers have a tiny body and a brief life, nothing about their voice is small or succinct.  They are the embodiment of Saundaryalahari,
Wave of Beauty, Wave of Bliss.

1 comment:

  1. Pseudacris crucifer - cross-bearing chorus frog
    "pinkletinks", "tinkletoes", "peepers"
    -Tan or brown in color with a dark cross that roughly forms an X on their dorsa.
    -Body length between less than an 1 inch to 1.5 inches. Nocturnal carnivores.
    -The Spring Peeper has a high-pitched call similar to that of a young chicken. As a chorus, they resemble the sounds of sleigh bells.
    -Only males have the ability to make this loud high-pitched noise, and they use it to attract mates.
    -Can live an estimated 3 years in the wild.
    -Peepers wass a fictional character in Marvel Comics and was born in Cedar City, Utah. hee-hee
    -He was a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants bent on thwarting Captain America.
