Saturday, April 9, 2011

Apr 9

Let sleeping dogs lie.
But, no...
She's gotta poke a stick into the calm waters and stir it up,
Churning butter,
Dredging up the bottom,
Mixing the earth with the sky and the heaven with the hell.
That's what novelists do.
And then they go for a walk.


  1. Never saw a yellow stop sign before.
    — Common connotations —
    sunshine, warmth, fun, happiness, warning, friendship, caution, slow, intelligence, cowardice, love, animal crossing, Mardi Gras, summer, lemons, Easter, autumn, electricity, liberalism/libertarianism, hope, optimism, imagination, curiosity
    -In Hinduism, yellow is used to symbolically represent the third, solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
    -The March 1967 album by Donovan called Mellow Yellow was very popular among the hippies. The featured song on the album, "Mellow Yellow", popularized during the Spring of 1967 a widely believed hoax that it was possible to get high by smoking scrapings from the inside of banana peels, although this rumor was actually started in 1966 by a different musician popular among the hippies, Country Joe McDonald.

  2. Guess the camera will have to be tweaked with its color filters so red appears red. A trick shot. But the yellow comment was entertaining.
