Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Day

I don't suppose the royal couple will have a rubber raft full of beer and ice.  Nor will they have a single mixed fruit salad in a carved watermelon sitting on a table underneath a canvas tent strung with little multicolored Christmas lights.  Nor will their poppy seed wedding cake be undercooked because the oven didn't get preheated.  The officiant will likely not have worn Birkenstocks and there won't be a single violinist to play Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.  But I'm sure it will all turn out just fine.


  1. We happened to turn on the tv this morning at 4am and I quickly pushed the 'record' button, so will flip through the ceremonies later today. What I've seen so far is very sweet. I always tear up at weddings, seeing two people on the threshold of new lives together as a couple.

  2. Hi there! Happy Royal Wedding!
