Meridians are the ley lines of the body. The premise is there are energy pathways, or meridians, in the body. The flow of energy somehow becomes blocked, and may cause pain or dis-ease. Acupuncture is based on the premise that freeing this blocked energy flow leads to more ease, less pain. But it does involve needles.
Tapping is the new acupuncture. No need to sterilize the fingertips to tap on meridian points. I am trying this tapping method enthusiastically on my Paul bunion to get ready for another hike. So far December is very energetic. The new novel involves Moriarty. Weight watchers has a new program. The ice came in, and last night went out with heavy rains. The roof doesn't leak.
Living at 107.5 West meridian, the Yin of heart and lungs and the Yang of the large intestine, the results of tapping/skipping on Gaea are demonstrably not good. The energy release of the gasping/wheezing reflex and the unblocking of the bowel have not, for me, led to more ease.