Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dec 30

This morning one of the characters cleaned the ashes out of three woodstoves; the cafe's, her boss' house, and her new ranch house. She retrieved a wheelbarrow at each place to haul the ashes deep into the woods.

She waded through snow higher than her calves and dumped the ashes on a huge rhododendron in the woods.

And when she was done, there was wood in the wood ring and the promise of a beautifully warm day. Times three.


  1. Did you know...
    -vibhuti, the ash of cow dung, is used in Hindu rituals (insert your own ewwww here)
    -rhododendron is the national flower of Nepal
    -the wheelbarrow was invented in ancient Greece
    -Gazillion is a questionable number
    -Wading is done in the liquid form of water
    -feral pigeons are indeed called flying rats...I humbly prostrate myself at the feet of Lord Jim

  2. Humility is best practiced at the level of the heart, not the prostrate.
