Thursday, March 8, 2012

Between East and West

The full Worm Moon set this morning before the sun came up.  We have a long view of both the east and the west.  From the east comes the lobsters ready for reveille and review.
According to Mary, the FedEx guy heard something scrabbling in the back of his delivery truck.  He was nonplussed to hear there were lobsters bumping against the inside of the box.
I hope Tom tells me the meaning of nonplussed.
From the west Carhenge awaits investigation.  My magnetic lines are magically aligning once again to their own true north of the high plains.
The meridians are like little soldiers on parade waiting for the sergeant at the north pole to bark orders. 


  1. Latin - non = not
    plus = more
    ergo, not more, a state in which nothing more can be done, a state of utter perplexity...
    per = thoroughly
    plexus = entwined
    ergo, thoroughly entwined, puzzled over what is not certain, vexed
    One's unsisterly sneering snideness makes a brother nonplussed, perplexed and somewhat vexed.

  2. Snide: underhandedly mocking, mean, sarcastic.
    Au contraire, mon frere, I am an etymologist and love the definitions of words, hence, love who defines them. Nya nya.
