Friday, March 9, 2012

Home on the Range

A walk beyond thunderdome brought me through two cattle guards...
Down the road to the disappearing point...
To the windmill at the base of the hills.  I stood among the cowpies and brittle grass, listening for the wind blowing down the slopes.  A train at the switch yard whistled an achingly melancholy tune.
The reward for a good walk is the ever-ready dispenser of jelly beans.

1 comment:

  1. -Disappearing Point - No such term in any of the usual sources; kind of ironic
    -"Proper" term is vanishing point.
    -And yet, to vanish is defined as to disappear.
    -Vanishing point = convergence
    How can something converge yet disappear?
    My favorite; vanishing point = where the Earth meets the Sky...
