Sunday, March 4, 2012

Done with Belly Dancing

Seated twist yoga posture, lifting Daisy, or sleeping on the couch all conspire to create a habit of pain in the lower back.  That, and the twisting motion of putting on a backpack.  Ouch!  Looks like I will have to hang up the belly dancing skirt too.
This recollects the old joke:
Patient:  Doc, Doc, it hurts when I do this.
Doctor:  Don't do that.
For situations such as these, my favorite words of encouragement are:
1.  "If you are going through hell, keep going."
2. "May this be the red Mazda Miata that makes your life bearable."
Substitutions allowed.

1 comment:

  1. Just read this from the latest issue of Backpacker magazine...if your pack is too heavy, get help from your hiking partner. I believe that means in putting your pack on, not in putting all your stuff in your partner's pack. Perhaps it is time to look at rent-a-llama.
