Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rare Air

Just looking up a website for the Colorado peaks over 14,000 feet gave me palpitations.  But that's what I am studying for the July trip.  One site suggests the order of difficulty from "easiest" to most difficult.  There is just one 14er on my completed list of peak bagging, Uncompahgre Peak, 14,309 feet, listed as moderate.  And it wasn't too bad of a climb, although it was two years ago.
My hair turns a little grayer after each trip to such altitudes.  By the time Everest Base Camp comes around, I should see Grandma's silver hair in a braid when I look into reflecting pools in Nepal.

1 comment:

  1. At least you would look like the Grandma with hair...on Uncompahgre, with your do-rag, you sort of looked like the paternal grandmother...
