Monday, March 26, 2012

Cruising Altitude

Chicago from 35,000 feet

We had an old version of a flight simulator and often chose to take off and land at Meigs Field, the old Chicago airport that was Daley-fied (bulldozed) in the middle of the night. Jim would most often crash into the Sears Tower instead of landing. We didn't have a joystick. The airplane was controlled by Page Up and Page Down buttons. It was very challenging, and something that we never mastered.

But the point is that I always confirmed Chicago from the air by seeing the black Sears Tower and its two antennae, not by the position of the city by the lake, or the Lakeshore Drive, or the old Meigs airport.

It was nice being so far above the city hustle. Today I think I'll stay at this altitude; removed, quiet, observant.

1 comment:

  1. At that altitude, I always feel somewhat insignificant in the total scheme of things. Don't know if that is good or bad.
