Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rabbit Rabbit!

In like a Lion?
The weathermen and women predict the snowstorm will soon be growling outside.  When I turn on the yard light at 3 AM, the snow is softly falling and everything is quiet.  The trees bend over with accumulating snow that favors lambswool, not a lion's mane.
However, the wind is supposed to increase, the energy of the storm is yet to arrive, and we are ready for an all-day event.
Today's second all-day adventure is dietary.  "What else is new?", you might ask.
The new and uncommon component includes clear liquids today to prepare for tomorrow's adventure.  The instruction sheet reads, NO RED, ORANGE, BLUE, OR PURPLE LIQUIDS, some of my favorite colors.  This leaves the neutral colors, plus yellow and green.   Today the jellos are pineapple and melon since lemon or lime are not among my favorite flavors.  My stomach growls, heralding the approaching storm.


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