Sunday, March 25, 2012


Begin building a team of advisers.
I've just spent two hours thinking and writing about advisers and trust, when all I really want to do is sit alone in a dark room and eat cake.  It's raining, I've lost a friend, my dog is old, there's no cake, and I don't think anyone, trusted or not, can make it different.

The trusted adviser is skillful, not just opinionated.  The adviser can be trusted to provide the "right" advice over time.  The trust flows both ways.  The trusted adviser may not be able to provide trusted advice on a multitude of topics.  The trusted adviser advises fetching an umbrella, walking with the old dog in the rain, driving to the grocery store for cake, and making a new friend who plays the guitar.  The trusted adviser says watch for the sunrise, listen to music, take more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you have to listen to your inner adviser and eat cake in the dark. And potato chips.
