Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jun 12

Yet again, victory is in the form of a hot cup of coffee and a fire in the woodstove on a cold, rainy, stalled-front kind of day.  The recently past hot humid spell triggered something in the toxic mold under the stairway that makes eau de must the dominant scent of the lake house today.  A little chicken soup in the pot may counteract that.  But later.
Today I am thinking about the two signs juxtaposed yesterday at the Seaplane Seminar.  We drove instead of flew.  And at the driveway to the airport/seaplane base, these two signs:
We stayed for one lecture and a piece of coffee cake each.  The stuttering presenter drove us away, back to home, M & Ms peanuts, tortilla chips and hot buttery sandwiches.  The weigh-in scale today should be a sober and vengeful god.

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