Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jun 9

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
It makes national news when we in the east have high temperatures, but no mention of it at the Missouri River banks where it must be expected, and therefore not news.  I think it's just the sheer numbers of easterners who crawl out of their dens to complain loudly about the weather that makes the news and not the forebearing pioneer stock who go quietly about their business whether it's above 90 degrees or not.
Sometimes the path leads to Bull.  This might be that.

1 comment:

  1. Out here the wheel gets the grease, as the need for lubrication is less. However, go farther west and you hear whimpers of Santa Ana wind driven fires, mudslides, tsunamis, and earth upheavals. And it is the palms that get greased. Must be a bicoastal angst.
