Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jun 23

 Examining the trek path from the side and from the top, the whining begins.
Why can't we start out easy when we're carrying the heaviest loads?  Why is it so long?  Why are there three peaks to climb instead of two? Who brought this damned grill anyway?  Are we there yet?
I imagine the guido yells.  He sweeps the whine out of my brain none too gently, and replaces it with one-pointed determination, good cheer, and ingenuity to find the most amusing path.  Will that be outrunning the grizzly at Grizzly Creek or watching which way the water flows on the Continental Divide?

1 comment:

  1. Actually they are passes, not peaks. If you want peaks, there are three 14er's that are rated "most difficult" if one would desire side trips. And el guido has packed meals for 4 this trip to double the usual food presentation. And there are no grizzlys in Colorado; and if there were they are probably still hibernating because of the unseasonably deep snow. Just porcupines, aggressive hares, urine licking mountain goats, and petulant pikas. And the grill is packed. Unless the whiners would rather carry an extra 2 lbs. of fuel....
