Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jun 2

An eerie yellow-green sky last night accompanied by tornado watch and surrounding storm cells made the red Japanese maple and blooming rhododendron an unusually vivid scene at 8:30 PM, when it should have been darker.  What strange creature was about to emerge from the bushes?  Was it a glowing three-headed troll?  Or a winged and haloed angel?  Or an obtuse white angle?
Miracle of miracles, the storms passed, the air cooled and dried, and the sun rose this morning.


  1. Obtuse white angle?
    Pointless pallid point?
    Opaque off obliquity?
    Asinine ashen aspect?
    Doltish blonde viewpoint?

  2. Angle came from misspelling angel and thinking about snow angels, except it was snow angles, and then the thought of a person making a 120 degree angle with her body in the snow and then the snow was so white and pretty and then it got kind of obscure. By then I was rather attached to the phrase obtuse white angle. Close to the doltish blonde viewpoint, except I would use blond.
